Beauty for Ashes

Has your zeal for God has been reduced from a brightly burning flame to a pile of smoldering ashes? God will not snuff it out! He will turn those ashes into beauty and breathe new life into your soul once more.

Job 42:10 (AMP) says this,

“The Lord restored the fortunes of Job when he prayed for his friends, and the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.”

Job received double for his trouble the moment that God, in His infinite grace and mercy, stepped in, and He is able to do the same for you! It is my earnest prayer that this book will not only inspire and encourage you in your faith journey, but also challenge you to reach deeper, soar higher, live wider, love stronger, and worship longer with God.

I’m excited to share my faith journey with you! Read a sample chapter here or get your copy of Double For Your Trouble at Amazon.

Want to learn more about Job’s story of tragedy turned triumph?

Read about Job online at